Contradiction is a circular trail, a snake eating itself. Thus the sameness of the poles of contradiction can be viewed. Both poles are part of the same creature, the same Being, the same whole. Disconnected only by an imposed differentiation from outside. Wanting to not be something I often find myself, in my attempts to not be, being that very something. How can intention circle back on itself like this?
In wanting to live, I can find myself dying, but living in the dying, but dying, but living, and so the snake feeds. Infinity is a finite loop simply run over and over again. In the realization of the wholeness of contradiction do I realize the further separation of contradiction that leads back into the closeness of contradiction? And of course back again? The head of the snake and the tail of the snake. The snake is the whole, and yet there is a difference between the head and the tail, heads and tails on a coin. The whole cannot be without the parts, a snake without a head, a coin without a tails. The contradictory elements coming together to form the whole, the whole is divided to form the contradictory elements, which come back together to form the whole, which is separated into parts that have meaning, yet no meaning without the whole.
Thus do I run the circles in my mind. Contours run as straight lines.
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