I was going to write something here about something, but interestingly enough that something came and changed what I was going to write about into something else. And the format as well went from something to nothing, a loosely linked collaboration of words working together to express some idea that isn't thought out. Let's journey together.
Are the emotions meaning giving? If so what role does Contingency play in giving meaning? Let's say that I'm feeling one way one moment and in the next something has happened to make me feel differently, that gives new meaning to the rest of the day, that colors my mood and the world around me. Suddenly something that might have had no meaning gains a weight that it shouldn't(?) have.
So where do I focus this point of attack? On emotion or Contingency? It would seem that focusing on one or the other is a turning away from their combination. Often times I find myself ruminating on Contingency and I wonder if this is a distancing? An effort to push aside the emotions that the contingent brought forth or cut down. An effort to extract Being from meaning, a refusal of the everydayness of Being. What are the value of our ideals and ideas? What is the idea without emotion, without meaning?
Certainly ideas are not created in a vacuum of emotion, the idea brings forth and springs from moods and emotions, our environment, our Situation. After all we are not mechanical thinking machines. And here, this thought pathway was cut not with the dull blade of logic, but rather the searing moment of the Contingent. But how do I feel? What is the meaning? Is it impossible to assign meaning without feeling? Is it possible to maintain feeling past the contingent? How could that be? How can I hold on to a feeling though the world changes around me? Is not this the same as holding on to the ever changing and sacrificing the emotion? What is the meaning involved in always being happy? What is the meaning involved in witnessing the delicate hanging together of life's precious permanence?
Is meaning the contradiction that holds together two sides of nothingness?
Even what we know for fact
Even what we know for fact is contingent, our ownmost possibility. Our guaranteed possibility. Strange that the only thing we know for sure is not known (cannot be known by Being) and contingent (could arrive at any moment). How contradictory are Death and Being.
The I, Being, cannot know it's death. Death as a state of non-being, cannot exist at the same time as Being. Nothingness cannot exist with something, however, we carry nothingness inside of us as a possibility, as the possibility that cuts off all possibility of Being.
The unknowing, in terms of time, is curious and displays the contingency of our own possibility. Will I die tomorrow, today, a year from now? I do not know. Will I die? Yes. I know for certain a future possibility that will come to pass, and yet have no idea about it at all. The Contradiction of Being. Perhaps even the most contradictory.
We know all about death, from watching others pass away, and yet we know nothing of Death. What does it mean to not-be? Even our Being-at-death cannot answer. Instead we lay plans for the future ignoring that those plans can be severed, we lay tracks of permanence that go in the opposite direction of permanence, and we ride both ways.
The I, Being, cannot know it's death. Death as a state of non-being, cannot exist at the same time as Being. Nothingness cannot exist with something, however, we carry nothingness inside of us as a possibility, as the possibility that cuts off all possibility of Being.
The unknowing, in terms of time, is curious and displays the contingency of our own possibility. Will I die tomorrow, today, a year from now? I do not know. Will I die? Yes. I know for certain a future possibility that will come to pass, and yet have no idea about it at all. The Contradiction of Being. Perhaps even the most contradictory.
We know all about death, from watching others pass away, and yet we know nothing of Death. What does it mean to not-be? Even our Being-at-death cannot answer. Instead we lay plans for the future ignoring that those plans can be severed, we lay tracks of permanence that go in the opposite direction of permanence, and we ride both ways.
My tuatological Being is contradictory.
The illusion of time as a linear-line works well when it's not broken. However, Beings are in-the-past, in-the-future, are the-present. Events in the past and future are alive and meaningful for us today, and they are always changing their Meaning. If we were involved in a series of now, neither past or future, would hold anything for us. What do our Illusions do for us but strip meaning away? Meaning seems to come in through the cracks, to be an ever-present pressure, Meaning waits patiently, Meaning Cares, but Meaning doesn't care.
Illusions separate things into black and white. Meaning joins separation, unites seeming opposites, is the line that connects. Black and white are both colors, both things, scientifically barren objects to be measured. Black is not the opposite of white, black as a color has nothing to do with white, other than colorness (and I suppose that the scientist could further argue that even this is not true, as one is the absence of color and one contains all colors).
When the idea is introduced that black and white are opposites, somehow warring parties opposed to each other, trying hard to get as far away from the other, Meaning comes in and grabs hold of two concepts, and in the hands of Meaning these concepts are not only unified, but separated! Meaning holds apart these colors to make them opposites, and holds them together in the strength of Contradiction.
What is contradictory is often the same, if not always the same. Life and death, something and nothing, yes and no, they are the same in that meaning is joining them by holding them apart. By pushing dualities to opposite ends of the spectrum, by making things into a contradiction, Meaning holds them together. Where are we on the line between life and death? Why is there something instead of nothing? By saying no, what am I saying yes to?
Is this Meaning just another Illusion too? If things are really not opposite, is it not an illusion to posit them as enemies? Is there no Meaning and merely meaning? The answer to this is of course contradictory: yes and no. Meaning is annihilated and born in the same breath. What is the Meaning of Illusion? If illusion is bad, that is its Meaning. If the glasses of Illusion are done away with, and this is deemed to be good, then once again Meaning, and Illusion, sneak back in. After all Meaning and Illusion are opposites, contradictions, one carries weight and one is a sham...how are these opposites held together? What is the third other trying to hold onto both while pushing them away? Being.
Being gives objectivity and subjectivity, things and together-things, something and nothing, meaning and meaningless, black and white yes and no right and wrong up and down there and here past and future life and death, contradiction and tautology. and gives them all via Meaning.
Illusions separate things into black and white. Meaning joins separation, unites seeming opposites, is the line that connects. Black and white are both colors, both things, scientifically barren objects to be measured. Black is not the opposite of white, black as a color has nothing to do with white, other than colorness (and I suppose that the scientist could further argue that even this is not true, as one is the absence of color and one contains all colors).
When the idea is introduced that black and white are opposites, somehow warring parties opposed to each other, trying hard to get as far away from the other, Meaning comes in and grabs hold of two concepts, and in the hands of Meaning these concepts are not only unified, but separated! Meaning holds apart these colors to make them opposites, and holds them together in the strength of Contradiction.
What is contradictory is often the same, if not always the same. Life and death, something and nothing, yes and no, they are the same in that meaning is joining them by holding them apart. By pushing dualities to opposite ends of the spectrum, by making things into a contradiction, Meaning holds them together. Where are we on the line between life and death? Why is there something instead of nothing? By saying no, what am I saying yes to?
Is this Meaning just another Illusion too? If things are really not opposite, is it not an illusion to posit them as enemies? Is there no Meaning and merely meaning? The answer to this is of course contradictory: yes and no. Meaning is annihilated and born in the same breath. What is the Meaning of Illusion? If illusion is bad, that is its Meaning. If the glasses of Illusion are done away with, and this is deemed to be good, then once again Meaning, and Illusion, sneak back in. After all Meaning and Illusion are opposites, contradictions, one carries weight and one is a sham...how are these opposites held together? What is the third other trying to hold onto both while pushing them away? Being.
Being gives objectivity and subjectivity, things and together-things, something and nothing, meaning and meaningless, black and white yes and no right and wrong up and down there and here past and future life and death, contradiction and tautology. and gives them all via Meaning.
Your chaos theroy is my meaningless Contingency
Chaos theory is a fun thing to say, a scientific idea that carries the weight of mystery in the word Chaos. It implicitly sounds dangerous, but what is it really? What are all the interactions that cannot be mapped out ahead of time because they're so numerous? Your chaos theory is my meaningless Contingency.
When science steps in and with its all knowing glance takes a look at Contingency and removes meaning by making all things objective and equal it computes chaos theory. A theory that seems to be limitless and unable to be calculated merely because of the not-knowing of all the factors that could and will and do apply to a single event. Still there is no anxiety in science, science is not worried about the not-knowing, it is less of an issue than one would think when postulating a great all knowing theory. When the all knowing sweeps aside the not-knowing in order to know, we do not have a scientific problem (for science has never cared for what it did not know, only for what it does not-yet know), but we have a problem for Being.
Contingency is chaos theory with the full not-knowing included. The not-knowing is what gives meaning to Contingency. I do not know what will happen to me tomorrow...on the way home tonight...this afternoon...or in the next ten seconds. Like science Being also tries to do away with the not-knowing, and therefore render the power of Contingency impotent. The grand idea is Illusion. Illusion is what allows us to not-know, and not-care. Illusion strips meaning of Contingency, and Illusion's power is so great that it only fails at the greatest, seemingly most powerful, moments of Contingency.
When I am in a car accident on the way home from a boring day at work, a boring day in which I only wished to go home and relax and all day I saw myself sitting on my couch at home and watching 'Dancing with the Stars', suddenly Illusion is rendered powerless as it shatters the World around us and Being is confronted with its Contingent existence. When Illusion falls away, its most powerful falling-away is when it is quick, like a mirror breaking in front of us. It is still powerful, yet less noticeable, when it melts away like a fading photograph, for we are given time to build up new Illusions while the old one is melting away, and by the time the old one is gone we have completed construction on its replacement that it simply fades away into. When we are not prepared with an Illusion-at-hand for the destruction of out current Illusion, then Contingency and its meanings are laid bare, ugly, anxious and deathly....but also full of meaning giving Being.
When science steps in and with its all knowing glance takes a look at Contingency and removes meaning by making all things objective and equal it computes chaos theory. A theory that seems to be limitless and unable to be calculated merely because of the not-knowing of all the factors that could and will and do apply to a single event. Still there is no anxiety in science, science is not worried about the not-knowing, it is less of an issue than one would think when postulating a great all knowing theory. When the all knowing sweeps aside the not-knowing in order to know, we do not have a scientific problem (for science has never cared for what it did not know, only for what it does not-yet know), but we have a problem for Being.
Contingency is chaos theory with the full not-knowing included. The not-knowing is what gives meaning to Contingency. I do not know what will happen to me tomorrow...on the way home tonight...this afternoon...or in the next ten seconds. Like science Being also tries to do away with the not-knowing, and therefore render the power of Contingency impotent. The grand idea is Illusion. Illusion is what allows us to not-know, and not-care. Illusion strips meaning of Contingency, and Illusion's power is so great that it only fails at the greatest, seemingly most powerful, moments of Contingency.
When I am in a car accident on the way home from a boring day at work, a boring day in which I only wished to go home and relax and all day I saw myself sitting on my couch at home and watching 'Dancing with the Stars', suddenly Illusion is rendered powerless as it shatters the World around us and Being is confronted with its Contingent existence. When Illusion falls away, its most powerful falling-away is when it is quick, like a mirror breaking in front of us. It is still powerful, yet less noticeable, when it melts away like a fading photograph, for we are given time to build up new Illusions while the old one is melting away, and by the time the old one is gone we have completed construction on its replacement that it simply fades away into. When we are not prepared with an Illusion-at-hand for the destruction of out current Illusion, then Contingency and its meanings are laid bare, ugly, anxious and deathly....but also full of meaning giving Being.
from up here I can see NOTHING!!!!
Let us discuss the power of a powerful thinker. One who lays out a plan , who builds a structure, that tells you how to climb from here to there, with the top always having a better view than the bottom. What is up there, and why is it inherently better? Are we always obsessed with the higest, with elevation, with rising above the mere mortals? What is so great about rarified air? One climbs everest and one is alone. One rockets to the moon and one is totally removed, unable to step outside the vessel that brought them to such heights. One needs protection, removal, cannot let their humanity come in contact with what they find up there.
So how about those systems of thought? What do they optain in their confines, and how does it, how could it, apply to humanity? To those of us left stuck on the ground.
Shout down from the mountain and we hear nothing.
And you are too weak to carry us up there with you. No you tell us it's a journey that every man must make on his own, but why? So that you're less lonely? But if someone stood beside you you would find the means to climb even higher still, or destroy the rock on which we both stood.
These systems all rely on the ground on which they are built, even everest would be nothing were it not for the greater Earth below it.
Evil we are built on to reach the angels. The dead we bury, the end is underground.
So how about those systems of thought? What do they optain in their confines, and how does it, how could it, apply to humanity? To those of us left stuck on the ground.
Shout down from the mountain and we hear nothing.
And you are too weak to carry us up there with you. No you tell us it's a journey that every man must make on his own, but why? So that you're less lonely? But if someone stood beside you you would find the means to climb even higher still, or destroy the rock on which we both stood.
These systems all rely on the ground on which they are built, even everest would be nothing were it not for the greater Earth below it.
Evil we are built on to reach the angels. The dead we bury, the end is underground.
and here it is setforth in plain english what is otherwise set forth in metaphor. thus is the meaning. i.e. the reson. i.e. the existence.
in other places we referred to God as being the abuser, the step father that moves in and has his way with his new twelve yearold step daughter who's just starting to look like mily cyrus.
the best and the brightest are the ones that God wants.
and the fools who follow him are the dumbest and slowest. the human tomatoes of the world whose candles have burned out long before they were ever born.
in other places we referred to God as being the abuser, the step father that moves in and has his way with his new twelve yearold step daughter who's just starting to look like mily cyrus.
the best and the brightest are the ones that God wants.
and the fools who follow him are the dumbest and slowest. the human tomatoes of the world whose candles have burned out long before they were ever born.
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